A: During the 1930s, General Mills commissioned the Hazel Atlas Glass Co. to produce a breakfast set with the picture and signature of Shirley Temple. A set consisted of a bowl, a mug and a 4 1/2-inch milk pitcher. They were made of cobalt blue honeycomb pattern glass with white decals of Shirley Temple. Some pieces were decorated with the picture of a very young Shirley, others used a picture of Shirley in her 1936 Captain January costume. The pieces were given away as premiums for Wheaties and Bisquick from 1934 to 1942. Hard to spot reproductions have been made. In good condition with an intact decal, original Shirley Temple milk pitchers are worth about $75.
I have some of these pitchers and bowl in my collection. I know that some are the orginal 1930's, but I have a couple that I bought 15 years ago that are repro's. I was disappointed whe I got them home and found out. Good thing is they weren't really expensive. The originals are better made as far as the seams and such. My mom gave me the originals when I got married as I am a Shirley Temple fan.
I found a sterling matchbox holder at a garage sale with 4-5 handmade wooden matches inside. Indented striking area on the bottom,the top has a hinge and there are embossed pictures on both sides, one side has a stag's head, the other is a victorian-looking woman's head. Do you have any idea of what time period it is from or who made it, or any other pertinent info. about 2 1/2 " tall, 1 1/2' wide veryfine workmanship.
Does anyone remember reading Marvel Comics in the 50's and you could send away for the Captain Marvel Club Membership? They also had the same for Shirley Temply and some cowboys. Are they worth anything now.
From Maryland re: Shirley Temple Pitcher's -
I purchased one at an estate sale years ago. Got it home and put it in a sink of soapy water to wash - got distracted and left it. When I got back to it, I found Shirley was actually a label and was floating in the water. Would this have been and original or a fake? Needless to say, it was worthless after that. Just wondering if anyone knew about the decals?
From Maryland re: Shirley Temple Pitcher
I purchased one about 12 years ago at an estate sale. Brought it home, put is in a sink of soapy water to wash it. Got distracted and when I got back, Shirley was evidently a decal and was floating in the water. Would this have been fake or real? Has anyone else had a similar problem? Thanks
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