Q: I have a children's bowl with this crown mark on it. I would like to find out the maker.
A: This mark was used by Crown Potteries Company of Evansville, Indiana, c.1950. The company was formed in 1902 when Crown Pottery Company took over Peoria Pottery Company. Crown Potteries made majolica, ironstone, semiporcelain and white granite. The company was out of business by 1962.
I have an oval bowl with the same mark except it does not have any numbers under it. It has a yellow multi banded decal with blue leaf scrolls with cherries and geometric triangle and another band with three pink roses, all this with a mustard gold color chain with black outlines on the rim and a gold gilt rim line. I thought this style is typical of the 1920-1930's, not the 1950's. My item is on eBay. Thanks
I have a platter (10x14) with a similar marking. The difference is that mine has "Crown Poterries Co." in an arc over the crown and "Made in U.S.A" in two lines below. Also has the numbers 7 and 48 beneath. Would that indicate July '48?
I have a round child's bowl with a bear in a ladder back chair, one little girl feeding him and another hiding behind the chair. It has the alphabet in black around the rim, which also comes out and over the interior bowl. It is a creamy yellow and the pic of the bear & girls has a red circle around it. It has the crown mark with C.P. Co. and below that the #'s 10 35. Trying to collect information on this item and what is it worth. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hello Lorie...
Lorie and anyone else that has a bowl like you listed with the bear and little girl feeding it. I am wanting to have one like it for my little girl, I had one when I was a child but it has been lost at some time. If anyone is willing to sell one, just contact me johnlovesedsy2007 at yahoo dot com Thanks Very much! Been looking a while
To Lorie and J,
I have the exact same alphabet bowl you described with the only difference is mine has the numbers 10 36 under the marking. I bought it at an antique shop in 2004. I've always been looking for more info on it.
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