Q: I inherited this table from my great-aunt. It has a tube-type Silvertone radio inside. Can you give me an idea of age, history, and value?
A: Your table radio was advertised in the 1940 Sears catalog for $34.95 cash or $4 down. The drum table design is based on an eighteenth-century table by Duncan Phyfe. Sears sold Silvertone radios from the early 1920s to 1972. Silvertone radios were especially popular in the late 1930s and 1940s. Many Silvertone radios sold by Sears were actually made by other manufacturers. This model was made by Air King Products Co. of Brooklyn, New York. Air King made radios for Silvertone, GE, and other companies, and also made some radios under their own name. There is a limited market for old radios like this, but you ought to get $200-$300.
I would do further research and look for others for sale. It is my opin ion that the value could be more than what was estimated. I suggest keeping the table for a few years to watch the market value. My opinion is the value will become quite great in a relatively short time.
My Remler, inherited from an uncle, resembles the radio pictured, exceopt my is more of a console style. Wonder if it falls under the same category.
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