Tuesday, September 2, 2008


In Memoriam: Ralph Kovel
In Memoriam: Ralph Kovel

Ralph Kovel
, Terry's husband and business partner, died last Thursday after a short illness. He will be deeply missed by our readers and fans, by everyone in the world of antiques, and by all of us at Kovels. If you would like to send condolences, you are welcome to use our blog. We very much appreciate all of the kind notes already sent by so many of you.

Our website, all of our publications, and our love of antiques will carry on--with the help of Terry Kovel, Kim Kovel, Lee Kovel and the rest of the Kovel staff.


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Anonymous said...

I've only been a Myspace friend for a few months, but I'm an antique myself and I have enjoyed Ralph and Terry's gentle loving relationship on TV for years. God bless you Terry and Ralph. Can you imagine? He's poking around in God's cupboards as we speak!!

Liz said...

Oh, so saddened to hear of your loss Terry! So Sudden. I have subscribed to Komments, purchased and read many of your books, and joined your myspace just recently. You've both been treasures in your own right for all your sharing of your research in what you enjoy. I imagine there are many folks on the other side ready to share their collectibles stories with Ralph! Peace and Blessings to you. I'll be staying tuned to all your wisdom. xxoo Liz

Anonymous said...

>He's poking around in God's cupboards as we speak!!
No doubt! I know I would be! May he find - no pun intended - his 'holy grail'!

I manage a huge antique mall in the midwest, and Kovel guides are a reliable old favorite for our staff, dealers, and customers alike! My sincere condolences, and THANKS, to the Kovel family.

Anonymous said...

Such a bummer! I am sorry for your loss.


Anonymous said...

I started buying and selling antiques at the age of 10. 36 years later and i am still at it.
Ralph and Terry have taught me so much from the price guides that I look forward to every year. Ralph you will always be alive in these many books you and Terry wrote. My thoughts are with you Terry and your family. Mike Kranz

Unknown said...

I don't think people understand what a huge influence he was on todays Antiques Roadshow oriented world. Ralph Kovel (along with Terry) was there first showing us what to buy and when to buy it. He was a terrific person and I was saddened to read of his passing.

He had such a cornball sense of humor - dreadful puns, and all great. Made me groan every time I read one or saw one on TV.

As one of his fans - I've been buying the Guides since the early 70s and hanging on every typewritten word - I will miss him.

Bonney - Massachusetts

Anonymous said...

My grandmother introduced me to the Kovels at a young age. Her collection of Price Guides was handed down to my mother, and will be handed down to me. They have been a source of information and fun for as long as I can remember.
My sincere condolences to Terry and all the Kovel family.

Anonymous said...

I was deeply sadden to hear of the loss the antique world will have to suffer. My prayers are with the entire Kovel family. Since subscribing to your wonderful newsletter I am more in love with all the hidden treasures of the world. Thank you and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I was sorry to read of your loss. As someone who spends large portions of his professional life keeping spam and junk out of our modern-day machinery, it's a pleasure to make sure that Ralph and Terry's very interesting email newsletter on older things always gets through to its subscribers, and I hope that Ralph's legacy will live on here.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Terry and Family,I am so sorry for your loss of Ralph. I have watched Terry and Ralph on tv. and his sense of humor and his love for Terry shined thru. I shall grieve with thee for his loss. He will be missed by all whose lives he has touched.

Larkin Vonalt said...

I am so sorry to hear this, Ralph was such a character! It is a relief to know that Kovels will continue, but the world, without Ralph, is a poorer place indeed. My most heartfelt condolences.

Anonymous said...

What a tremendous loss to the World, not just the Antique World. His wisdom and willingness to share his knowledge with all of us, new and old to antiques, was a rarity in the antique world. I am sure he has quite an audience already surrounding him in heaven. Our thoughts and prayers are with Terry and her family during this most difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry,
My most sincere condolences on your loss and the great loss to the world of antiques. I will keep you and your family in my prayers, as you find a way to move forward without him.. God Bless, Kimmeldoll

Anonymous said...

My sincerest condolences for your loss. I have been receiving your newsletters for quite some time and I do enjoy reading them. May God provide the peace and comfort that is needed during your time of grief.

Anonymous said...

i started reading KOVEL'S books when i was a child of 10 or 11, and took an interest in antiques above anything else...i am now 39, and a successful dealer in period antiques. i credit ralph (and terry, of course) with giving me knowledge at a very early age...it has been a wonderful journey, and ralph kovel will be truly missed by everyone in the antiques and collectibles world.

dbassd said...

It is a unfortunate event. I used to like to see the show some years ago. May the lord shine on him.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

May God be with the Kovels at this sad time. Ralph will be missed by his worldwide fans.

Anonymous said...

Please accept my deepest condolences of the loss of Ralph. I've been a subscriber for almost 20 years and I've learned so much from both of you. I'm sure Ralph is in his "heaven" - a huge flea market where none of the sellers have any idea of the worth of their "junk"!

Anonymous said...

What sad news, and so traumatic for Terry & all. I'm so sorry & send my sympathy & prayers for you all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss...he will be deeply missed....I always thought you two made such a neat couple when watching you on TV....Very few couples of this day and age have what you two seemed to have...it came across every time I saw you together. My sympathies. Cindy Howey

Anonymous said...

May the grace of God be with the Kovels at this sad time. Ralph will be missed by all his worldwide fans.

Anonymous said...

Our deepest sympathies to the Kovel family. Ralph's funny and kind presence on television has been a source of joy to us for years. He was so real, and communicated his enthusiasms with a great sense of his own character. Having given us all such a taste of himself - and of his warm & funny interaction with Terry - he endures. No one who makes deep impressions on others will ever really be gone. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your books, and your life with your audience.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. My sincere, warm condolences to all who were affected by the loss of Ralph. I can see that others,like me, were struck by the knowledge and humour and interest that always shone through.

Anonymous said...

Deepest sympathy on the loss of Ralph Kovel. I have been guided and educated by both the Kovel's in the antique world for many years. He will be greatly missed!

Pam R - Danville, IL

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Kovel and Family,

My heart is heavy at learning of the lost of your love, Mr. Kovel.

My God hold you and your family and those who love you and Mr. Kovel in the palm of his hands. May He give you the grace to bear your sorrow and to celebrate Mr. Kovel's life.

You well know that memories keep our loved one's close. Thank you for all the smiles and knowledge that you both have shared with us us over the years. Big Hug, M&J

BckyRN said...

I have been reading this column for several years and have really enjoyed the information. Same goes for the tv shoe. He will be missed and know my thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences - It is hard to lose a love one - and unexpectedly. May your days be filled with memories of your love, your passion, and your times together. God bless you..

Anonymous said...

as a long time reader of your articles in the san antonio express-news please know that you and yours are in my prayers. memories will sustain you through these days. sincerely, ms.Torres

3 Rivers Cook said...

It was with great shock when I opened my Komments newsletter and learned of Ralph's passing. I too started with these books as a child and found them invaluable over the years. MY deepest sympathy to Terry and all of the family. I know it will be hard, but am assured that you will all continue in the tradition that Ralph and Terry created and have striven for through these all to quickly passing years. With deepest sympathy, L.J.

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry and Family; I was so sorry to hear of your loss. we too have had a loss this weekend. I firmly believe God needs them with him, more tham we do, for what ever the reason. I know that I will be with them once again when it is my turn to go and be with my heavenly father. Know that Ralph made an enormous difference in this world, through many people, and we are all richer for having the honor to have been touched by him in our lives. May God continue you comfort you in this difficult time. k.wilson

Anonymous said...

I was first "introduced" to the Kovel's via the TV show. I used to love watching Ralph poke through the cupboards and crannies of the house. His demeanor made me feel that I was right there watching over his shoulder as he found something valuable or interesting that we could all learn about. And ooohhh the funny little remarks always made me groan...and laugh. His love for Terry and his love for antiques certainly showed through everything he did. My condolences to the Kovel family for he surely will be missed. But just think what a grand time he's having now, greeting the people who actually created the antiques he loved so much. Can you just imagine THOSE conversations??? I'm sure God is having a hard time keeping up with Ralph! Many blessings to the Kovel family.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences to the Kovel family for your loss. Echoing so many other comments here I too really enjoyed your newsletter & books. Seeing you two as a couple enjoying antiques & collecting set a great example of sharing a hobby with one's spouse. God bless you.
Deborah - who lives in a house full of old things, many of which I have no idea what they are which is why I rely on the Kovel knowledge so much !

Anonymous said...

"you only regret what you don't buy"....Ralph's motto made it very easy to rationalize the silliest of buys!!! We will miss him deeply and we will NEVER forget Ralph!!! Love and condolences from Montana, Chuck and Alice.

Unknown said...

Terry and family:

Ralph and you made such a positive mark on the world. He will be missed by millions. Think how lucky you were to have had such a long and happy life with him. Peace and wonderful memories I wish for you. Ed

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear this sad news. There is noever anything good to say at these times except compliments. I have been affected in a positive way by the Kovels and their organization and I offer my sincere respect and condolences during such a tough time in life. Peace and love to you all. Thank you for your passion and wisdom Ralph. Sincerely, Greg Brown.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, what dreadful news. Please accept this as my most deepest and sincere sympathy. I am so sorry for your (and our) loss.
May God Bless.

Unknown said...

My sincere condolences to Terry and family. The two of you have been a part of my life for many years. Ralph's Quirky, punny sense of humor I believe will live on. It has been a pleasure to "know" Ralph. I can just imagine the conversations he is having with all the creators of the antiques he loved.

Much Peace to All!

Anonymous said...

I am so saddened by your loss, Terry, and truly feel your pain, having lost my beloved husband of many years, very suddenly. It will get easier over time and with your wonderful family for support, you WILL be ok. I know you feel as though you won't heal, but I promise you will. You will always miss Ralph but the wonderful memories of things you shared will always be there for you. Your loyal fans will always be there for you as well and thankful to you for all the wonderful advice through the years. My deepest heartfelt sympathy to you and your lovely family.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been collecting antiques for many years, even owned part of an antique store for a time. We read and used many of Kovels books and price guides. So sorry for your loss.
Doris Conner

annecopeland said...

I am sending my sincere condolences for the loss of Ralph to you and your family, Terry. He will be sorely missed, and I can't help but think the world is a better place for his having been here. Peace and many blessings, Annie

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear of Ralphs passing. He and Terry were the rock upon which the Antique business was created. The comment was always "Was it listed in Kovel's" The presence of an item in their catalog made its value official. They are and will remain the the king and queen of the antique collecting community.

Anonymous said...

To the Kovel Family--
I was saddened to read of the passing of Ralph Kovel. He, along with Terry, was a huge influence on the whole antique buying and collecting field. He will be greatly missed.

My sincere condolences to his wife, Terry and his family.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. His presence and input will be missed by all.

I have used Kovels for years and the only thing I like better than your books, are your emails packed with interesting information and found treasures. It reminds me of my favorite part of a little know magazine called Reminiscence. They have a section called "Can you help me?" I have seen them quote Kovels when identifying and pricing unknown items. Kovels- a treasure about treasures......

Anonymous said...

A true giant has passed. Ralph's reputation in the antique community was without parallel. May the family and staff find comfort in your special memories of him.

The Wizard's Moon said...

Dear Terry and Family
I have been a fan since the 70's and will miss Ralph very much.
His energy and knowledge will live on in all of us "students" of the Kovel's.
My thoughts are with you Terry and your family.
The Wizard's Moon - Judy

Anonymous said...

I will surely miss Ralph Kovel. I have watched his shows and lived by "if you like it - buy it". My deepest sympathy goes out to Terry and the rest of the Kovel family.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. Your e-mail newsletter is so often a welcome and bright break in my day, and I thank you for that. May God bless and hold you and yours close in the days ahead.

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Terry and your family. You've been our treasure and unique find all these years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. -M

jalee said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. My husband and I watched Kovels on Antiques. I had always been a collector. Because of Ralph, I do believe that my husband's interest was intensified. He became the best researcher on my finds. Terry and Ralph were a wonderful pair, who bumped along life's road with grace and humor. My sincerest and heartfelt sympathy is sent to you, Terry, and your family. God Bless.

Unknown said...

God Bless you and yours, all those that grieve over his passing. We are new to this world of KOVEL, we have missed much from what I read. Our deepest condolences. Dave and Patty

Anonymous said...

There are just some people that leave a bigger hole when they go. I will be comforted and hope that the Kovel extended family and loved ones will as well just knowing that we all have an antiques expert as one of our newest guardian angels. Bless you all in your grief and may it soon turn to laughter and singing hearts as you treasure the many wonderful memories he gave us all.
Alena Ehrhart longtime admirer and fan Be well!

Anonymous said...

To the Kovel Family-
In honor of Ralph and his dash which was filled with love, respect, and success on many levels.....


I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on his tombstone
From the beginning...to the end.

First came his date of birth
And spoke that date with tears,
For he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.

That little line now represents
All the time that he spent alive on earth...
And now only those who loved him
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own;
The cars...the house...the cash,
What matters most is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this, my most heartfelt condolences.

Anonymous said...

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on your loss.

I loved watching Terry and Ralph on TV... such a great couple.

He will be missed.

God Bless.

Unknown said...

Yes, what a loss with Ralph's passing. But what treasures he and Terry have bestowed upon us. I too was privy to their price guides at a young age; my parents were avid collectors. I to this day still collect and sell items. Great job Ralph, you've left quite a legacy.

Anonymous said...

I am truly saddened to hear of Ralph's passing. I enjoyed their show on PBS for many years and their expertise and guidance in the world of antiques has helped me greatly.
You will be missed Ralph.

Anonymous said...

God has called him home, but we are all left with the fondest of memories of Ralph. Terry, and family, you stand as tribute to a man who loved his family above all else. Bless you all, and may you be comforted by the knowledge that the entire world of Antiques and Collectibles mourns with you.
Sincerely, Kathy Wehr

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for your loss. I have been using Kovel resources for many years, the books and recently the website and e-newsletter as well. I deeply appreciate the work and commitment involved, and send my thanks along with heartfelt condolences.

Anonymous said...

I am sadden about your loss. I am sure he will be saddly missed. May God smile on you today.
A member from Clark Mills, NY.

Anonymous said...

He will be sorely missed, as the bantering back and forth on the TV series was always a treat and all of the information that was provided was outstanding.
May God Bless and keep your family in this time of sorrow.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this news. My condolences to Terry and the rest of the Kovel family.

Anonymous said...

It has been a rich 35 year relationship even if at a remove. I will be among those who will be aware of my loss.


Mitzi said...

So sad, and so sorry. Words will not cover it all now. Know he was needed here and now he's needed over there. Time will ease some of the hurt a little.
He will be missed by us all.
Prayers are with you and your family and the staff that wil surely miss him too.
Remember to breath.
Again so sorry.
A fan,

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy on the loss of you husband and father.

God bless you.

Sue in Texas

Anonymous said...

We were so sorry to hear of Ralph's passing. He was and is such a treasure; he will be very much missed. For Terry and her family, you are in our thoughts.
Lenore Gusten

Anonymous said...

He will be greatly missed. Have been buying you books and publications for many years. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Terry, what a sad time it was to get your e-mail page today and hear of Ralph's passing. As you know, he will be sadly missed. Kovels has been with me for many years as I ran my refinishing and antique store. I learned much from you both and was always lifted by the love that shone through from both of you to the other. Thank You!! and bless you on the rest of your journey.

Anonymous said...

He was such a sweet man and a real asset to the world of collecting.
He will be sorely missed!

Anonymous said...

I've been an antiques lover since childhood and Ralph and Terry Kovel's writings a large part of my "antiques" life. He will be sadly missed by all of us who looked up to his expertise. Terry and family: my sincerest sympathy for the loss of your loved one. May the Lord keep you and give you peace.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for his loved ones. How very much he will be missed. Now making an incredible find, we will wonder if he was there pointing it out to us!

Anonymous said...

I not only appreciated the advice and appraisals over the years but truly appreciated the loving relationship such as yours.
My deepest sorrows to you Terry and the whole Kovel family.

Sharon Karam_Northern California said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family, Terry -- and also with your Kovels staff. I only "knew" Ralph through your newsletters and books over the years, but can easily imagine what an incredible partner, husband and father he must have been. Ralph made an inestimably huge contribution to the knowledge of antique collectors around the world. He will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry and Family, So sorry to hear this news. May God bless you and keep you during this time. Mr. Kovel will be deeply missed by all the Antique world here and abroad. You both have had such a possitive influence on my life and I wish to Thank you for all the wonderful books, publications, T.V. shows and Newsletter that I love to read every month. My prayers are with you, Vicki Hufstetler,GCA,ANA.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss!

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry and family, I am so sorry for your loss. You and Ralph have done so much for the world of collecting antiques. I've never missed a publication of your Antique Guide. During a business trip to Chicago in 1998, we stayed at the Union League Club where we had the pleasure of meeting Ralph. What a delightful and pleasant gentleman. He will be sadly missed. Thank you for all the years of devotion to the world of antiques! Feonascot

feltonfitz said...

I am a newcomer to collectibles but in that time have come to rely on Kovel's for prices, books and of course Komments. I am so sorry to hear of your loss and will keep the Kovel family and staff in my prayers at this difficult time.

Annemarie at Collectibles Insurance

Anonymous said...

I am saddened to learn of your loss.....and ours, too. I have always enjoyed your TV shows, reruns as well. When my partner and I started our small antique business, your books were our guidelines. After all these years, I still refer to them if I have a question. I subscribed to Komments and always look forward to receiving it. May God bless you and your family during this sad time.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoyed watching Ralph and Terry when they did their Television show and he seemed like a very decent man. I know he will be missed by so many people.

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry and family. I was shocked to read the opening line of today's Newsletter. We are saddened by Ralph's sudden passing. He will be missed by all of us antiques lovers. He and Terry educated us for many years by sharing everything they learned. I love the image mentioned by another friend who is so happy for Ralph as he meets and talks to the very people who created the wonderful things he loved and collected. God bless you, Terry, and your dear family.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss. The world will miss a true collector's item.

Anonymous said...

Words could never express the sadness I feel...but if I could reach across time and space I would tell you the soft wind you feel as you walk into a room is his heart reaching out to yours for he is still there with you.. his arms wrapped around you telling you everything will be alright...until the two of you are together again..May God keep you safe in his loving embrace.
God Speed

Audreyz said...

His charming smile and enthusiasm when finding a treasure was part of his personality and so obvious to see and enjoy. Our condolences to you and yours Terry. He will be missed.


Cape Ann Auction said...

I grew up in the business using the Kovel's guides.

Although I'd never met Ralph or Terry I always felt like they were mentors to me in my 25+ years of selling antiques.

I believe Ralph did more for our business than most people can ever know.
I will miss his leadership.

Anonymous said...

May you find comfort in the fact that Ralph's legacy will out live us all.

Anonymous said...

Sincere sympathy from a reader in Australia. Your company showed that it is possible to give a modern business a personal face.

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for your loss Terry and Family. Please know you are in our thoughts and Prayers.

Anonymous said...

So very saddened to hear of Ralph's death. Though we've never met, I've felt that you were my friends. My deepest and saddest condolences. Surely God has him busily sorting out antiques and asking for his advice on what they are and their value. The collectors of this world will miss their friend and mentor, Ralph Kovel.

Anonymous said...

Wendy/Mount Pleasant Michigan
To the Kovels,
Please accept my deepest sympathy at this time. As so many have stated, Ralph was a gentle soul, with a wonderful sense of humor, but his love for Terry was the thing you always saw in their shows. He will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the loss to you and family. From the website, you still have a support group to keep up on new article and info. Whatta trooper, he'd be proud. I'm sure you'll be given hints to buy things in the future and i'm sure he'll be watchin.
gods peace
Ken in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. May the good Lord bless you and keep you.

Anonymous said...

We are much saddened to hear of Ralph Kovel's passing. He was much loved and respected by those of us who buy and sell antiques and collectibles. His contributions to our endeavors in this fascinating activity will always be remembered. We are so glad that his legacy will continue as you carry on his work. John and Diane S.

Unknown said...

My sincere condolences...as others said, he enriched the world, the antique & collectible world and touched so many lives. Take solace in the fact that you were able to share each others' lives, and that he is indeed "poking around in God's cupboards"! :) God bless You and comfort you.

dddundalk said...

To the Kovel family:

My sincerest condolences for your loss. Although I did not know him personally, I felt like I did. He will be very much missed by his many fans and associates. I feel like I, too, have lost a friend.

Donna F.

Madeline said...

Terry and family,
We are so saddened to hear of Ralph's passing. Yes he is as we speak searching God's cupboards! Terry he got there before you!! We are happy to still have you, please continue on as Ralph would have wanted you to. My husband and I are so much like you two, enjoying each others intrest and discoveries. THANK YOU for making antiquing fun as well as interesting and educational. May God Bless you all! HUGS!! We all we'll meet again.

Anonymous said...

To the Kovel family:

My sincere condolences on your huge loss. Having lost my mother 6 months ago, I know only too well the grief and daze you must be feeling. Take good care of yourselves, don't do too much (besides the usual planning in the next couple of weeks) and clear your calendars of non-essential life stuff for the next 6 months to a year. Grief is a funny thing and our culture doesn't embrace it much. You are all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time and throughout the upcoming year. I am an avid reader and fan of your family's work, may it provide peace, connection and a distraction to you when needed.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear of Ralph's passing; please accept my condolences for your loss. I'm not an "antiquer" but I have tremendously enjoyed your newsletters and always look forward to them. I know that this is a business for you, but obviously not just a business. The joy antiques has given you was always apparent in what you wrote, whether you were writing about a dream auction garnering stratospheric bids or a quaint garage sale find. I read your newsletters precisely for pleasure you took and shared freely with all of your readers.

Debbie B said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Terry and the Kovel family,
You have been in our thoughts for years with your helpfulness and suggestions. For your loss of Mr. Ralph you are now in our prayers as well..

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear of Ralph's passing onto a greater world than ours....he'll be sorely missed

Gardendiva aka fancycatnip aka Anna

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your loss. The Kovels have done so much to make us all aware of the joys, knowledge, and sometimes outright humor to be had from paying attention to the artifacts of the past.
Ralph has given a great gift to humanity, and will be remembered and greatly missed in the future.
At this sad time, Terry, please know and enjoy the many blessings that surround you. - A.

chloeev said...

The world of antiques and collectible lovers everywhere has lost a valuble friend, educator and helper with the passing of Ralph Kovell. He and his family were the FIRST before any other resources were available to show others how to evaluate their items and know value. He may have passed to his reward, but he will never be forgotten, his mark is left on this world forever in the education of thousands of people in the world of antiques and collectibles.
My heart goes out to the family in this time of sadness. Ralph is still with you in spirit and will help you to carry on the work he and Terry started started so long ago. We appreciate the children standing by and helping Terry to continue the tradition.
Thank you for all you do. Even in this time of sadness you are getting a newsletter out to let everyone know. I can tell your family is very strong in faith.

Blessings to you all,
Mary Evans
Drei Katzen Media
(eBay Collectibles)

Anonymous said...

I'm so saddened to hear of Ralph's passing. He finally knows exactly what every whatsit is! I'm sure his spirit will lead Terry to unfound antique treasures!

Anonymous said...

Dear Terry,

I am so sorry for your loss.Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.
An antique lover

727retrolane said...

My condolences on to Mr Kovel's family. I'm saddened by his passing but grateful for and greatly impressed by the legacy he has left to the world. Kovel's was my first antiques reference book at age 12 and influenced me so much that today Antiques and Collectibles is my vocation. For decades, whenever someone asked "what does it book for?" the book of which they were speaking was Kovel's. His influence on bringing Collectibles to the forefront of modern culture is immeasurable. Where would eBay be without the groundwork laid by Ralph & Terry Kovel in the 1970's & 80's? A sad day indeed but an enduring and powerful legacy left for the world to enjoy.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss...Ralph made the world a better place and enriched the antique/collectible world beyond measure...you were so lucky to have shared in each others' lives! God Bless You and comfort you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband. Cherish the love you shared and times you had with each other. May God bless and comfort you.

Sheila in Chattanooga

Unknown said...

My sympathy goes out to the entire Kovel family. To Terry, you had a partner that most of us can only dream about, he loved you so and will go on loving you for all eternity.
I have been a flea marketer for over 30 years and have many of your books. I will cherish them always.
My prayers and thoughts are with you in this very difficult time. We all love the Kovels!!!!

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for your loss, to lose a partner is hard, and is especially hard when for all those years you shared such a connected interest - I am sure each time you see an object you mutually collected you will be transported to the fun times you and your husband had search out the item and proudly bringing it home. May your life be filled with wonderful memories of these times together. Pat

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. My mother introduced me to your books many years ago and I feel as if you have been part of our family. They've helped identify, sell, buy and generally have a great time with antiques and collectibles. His spirit will always be with us. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

May all your happy memories sustain you during this difficult time, Terry.

Anonymous said...

Ralph and Terry started me on an incredible journey many years ago. I will be forever grateful! My sympathy to the entire Kovel family.

Anonymous said...

Terry and family,
Our sincere condolences for your loss. We well remember Ralph as he and you tromped through the antiques fields at Renninger's in Mt. Dora. Having long been fans of your writings, we were delighted to meet you both. He will be missed by the entire antiques community.
Bob & Sheila

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy to you Terry, and to your entire family. The love you shared was always evident to your millions of fans. Ralph is probably up there appraising everyone's "stuff" that they just HAD to take with them!

rho said...

The two of you have felt like old friends for a long time thru you books, your website and reading the newsletters. My sympathies to Ralph's family and friends.

But how wonderful to have a passion in life and to be able to do that passion and bring so much knowledge and joy and even laughter at times to so many others. What a great testament that is to Ralph - and when you add the family and friends you love in life it doesn't get too much better.

The only thing you can ask for when you have lived a life well like that is that it could be longer. . .

Know that many people are sending good thoughts and prayers for you all.

Anonymous said...

What a terrible loss for all of us, but especially for Terry and the family. Terry and Ralph always seemed like such compatible, good friends so this is a great loss of companionship. Many good thoughts are with you during this difficult time!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to see this. My sincerest condolences to the Kovel family. The weekly emails are my link to what is going on in the collectible world and I truly appreciate all your hard work these years.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sincerely, Felicia D.

Michele said...

What a empty place is left with Ralph's passing! As a non-Christian, I see the soul as everlasting and believe it to have been here before...
The two of you had that gentle understanding born of many lives and many more to come... May he rest in the arms of the infinite until you may be together again...

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time. Ralph will be sorely missed by everyone.

Anonymous said...

Ralph was all that was right about collecting. He wasn't about making a buck. Like me, he did it for the joy of finding that special piece and I was glad to share that with him.

Jan Norris said...

So saddened by this news. I had the pleasure of speaking to you both for an article once, and was delighted at the commonsense approach to collecting and enjoying those collections. The joy of the hunt came through, even from the veteran he was.
Take comfort in knowing how many of us out here in cyberspace appreciated knowing Ralph, even vicariously.
His comments and presence will be greatly missed.

Anonymous said...

I cannot express how shocked and saddened I am to learn of Ralph's passing. He was an extremely intelligent man with a wonderful sense of humor. His jokes at the end of each show were so cute. My heart goes out to the entire Kovel family, especially to Terry. May God's love comfort you. Ralph was definitely the prize in the original Cracker Jack box of life. We will all cherish his memory.

Anonymous said...


So sorry to hear of your loss and the loss to the antique community. My husband and I recently lost our son...so we understand the grief you are going through. I have loved watching you both on TV and the wonderfull, loving, teasing relationship you both had. I did get very tickled when I read the note "He's probably poking around in God's cupboards as we speak" I truly believe that. I will keep you family in my thoughts and prayers!!

Suzanne Zamora

ndfly said...

We wish to extend our sympathy to you, Terry, and your family for the loss of a fine / grand gentleman, Ralph. We will miss his kind voice and the great rapport the two of you had on screen.

Our proayers are with you and your family in this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about Ralph. You are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

After losing both parents in 2007, we've recently emptied the old family home of hundreds of antiques from over 40 years of collecting. Mom started with a Kovel's guide, and her library shelf was full of them. Many of her items had little notes attached quoting the values she discovered in your guides, and those little notes are as precious to us as the collectibles they're attached to.

Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your husband, and our thanks to you for being a part of our family's love of discovering old treasures for so many years -- and many more to come. Rest in peace, Ralph.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kovels, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have a great memory of Ralph from TV. You guys were at an antique show or flea market and Ralph showed up with a huge airplane propeller. Terry, the look on your face said it all. Still makes me laugh. Take care.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

Anonymous said...

From: Albert Fisher

I had the distinct privilege and honor to be able to call Ralph (and Terry) my dear friend. As their Executive Producer and Director of "Flea Market Finds with the Kovels" for all of our years on HGTV, I traveled the world with this amazing dynamic duo. Their love for one another and their love and passion for antiques was evident in every episode of our TV series. What many people may not realize was that behind the camera Ralph was one of the most compassionate, honest and loving men I have ever known in my 50 years in television. He was an astute businessman who relished his work not for the monetary rewards but because he was able to make a contribution to society ... be it in the food industry, shrimp farming, restaurant business or his special love: antiques.

The crusty curmudgeon that he sometimes presented on the TV screen was balanced by a softness, warmth and tenderness that only those privileged to be close to him on a routine basis could ever imagine.

Terry, Lee, Kim and the rest of the Kovel family, friends and admirers will never have to be at a loss for great memories and constant reminders of this one-of-a-kind man. He lives within us all and his life stands as testament to ideals and heights that the rest of us can only hope to reach.

Ralph was a dear friend and treasured colleague. I will miss him immensely.

Albert Fisher
Los Angeles, California

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Terry. He will be missed by all of us but especially you Terry. Think of all the great years together and know that you will be with him in the future.

ndfly said...

We would like to extend our prayers and sympathy to you, Terry, and your family at this sad time. We will all miss the kind, gentle and grand person, Ralph, and the wonderful rapport you had together on screen. What a great couple!
God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. May the peace that passes all understanding be yours and your families.

Anonymous said...

To Terry and the Kovel Family,
I have been a dealer/collector for 33 years and I am terribly saddened to hear of Ralph's passing. Your well researched books have always been happily within my grasp. On TV, Ralph's amusing and kind nature and the obvious close bond you shared with him Terry was inspiring and endearing. You and your family are in my loving thoughts and prayers. Roselynn from Canada

Anonymous said...

I don't know you personally, but was always impressed by how in tune you seemed as a couple. That is such a treasure. I am sure that after the peak of grief passes wonderful memories you shared will be a great comfort for you. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I am so saddened to hear about Ralph's passing. My condolences and prayers to the entire Kovel family.

1Toffeey said...

Shocking to lose someone that has been such a rock to so many. Sincere Condolences to the Family and Friends he shared his time with while on this Earth. I am sure to know him personally was a true treasure. God Bless you all and give you the strength you will need in the coming days to months and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Terry, I am so sad to hear of Ralph's passing. I always loved both of you on the TV show, which I still miss.

Anonymous said...

My condolances to the Kovel family on your loss.
Ralph's spirit will surely be near you as you continue the work he so loved.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Aside from the "Antiques", it's difficult to lose your 'life' partner. I lost mine this past January after fifty years of marriage. I miss him dearly as you will yours. Sincerely, Betty

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Although we know he is in a beautiful place it doesn't hurt any less for those left behind. Take good care of yourself and may God bless you and your family.
Linda Martin

Anonymous said...

My condolences Terry, to you and your entire family. I am sorry for your loss.

babybird said...

I am terribly shocked to learn of this tragedy! I wish the Kovel family the peace and blessings that God can bestow on them during this time. Although I have never met the Kovels, I feel like I am part of their family. My prayers wish you all the blessings and best as you go through this awful process. May God Bless You and Your family!

Anonymous said...

Very sorry of your sad loss.
Deepest condolences.
from the UK

Anonymous said...

I'm so saddened of the loss of you beloved, Ralph. I hope that he didn't suffer. It's so good to know that your family is with you at this time and that they will help with your life's work and will continue on. Please know that you will be in my prayers. Thank you for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

I found your site online about 3 months ago, and received this was the only site to return information. My family's thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Anonymous said...

My sympathy goes out to you and your family. Allow all the happy memories of bargains and shopping surprises give you comfort. Keep these memories close to your heart.

Anonymous said...

My family used to watch Terry and Ralph Kovel during the annual auction for public television in Cleveland, Ohio. We loved the loving bickering between the two. We also learn a lot about antiques. Throughout the years, I have watched them both, enjoying every minute of my time with the Kovels. Ralph, you touch a lot of lives. You will be missed.
Thank you, Bob H

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kovel was one of the greatest supports of the antique business! His down to earth style will be greatly missed. He always just seemed like "one of us" and never did his huge knowledge of antiques intimidate me! Sorry to see him go.

Auntie Q said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I have enjoyed and trusted your work for many years. I always felt Kovels was THE expert. (I aspire to be you when I grow up!)
Please accept my deepest sympathies,
MZ Krohn

P. Jacobs said...

Terry and family, condolences! I'm one of the faceless many who don't know you and Ralph personally but have been a subscriber for years and have purchased many many of your books. The loss of Ralph is felt here in my little corner of Chicago.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry and very sad for the entire family. I miss both of you on TV. Glad to see you have a great family to stand with you.

Unknown said...

I offer my condolences to Terry. My husband and I became interested in antiques from watching the Kovels's TV show. We learned a lot and appreciated their sense of humor. Ralph Kovel will be missed by many.

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences to Terry and the family and all who loved him.
The heavens are brighter with this new star.....

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to learn that Ralph has left us. I remember with fondness having the Kovels as talk show guests years ago when I worked at KLBJ-AM in Austin. My condolences to the family and to antique lovers everywhere.

Andrea Morrow, Austin, Texas

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear that Ralph has passed on. Such a great loss. Loved their show and news letters and books.
My sympathy to the Kovel family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Kovel was one of the first names I encountered when I entered this wonderful world of antiques back in the 1980s. Sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this. Condolences to the entire Kovel family.

Anonymous said...

You have both taught us so much over the years about antiques and collecting in such a loving, "mom & pop" way.
Our deepest condolences to the Kovel Family.

E&J - TX

Anonymous said...

God Bless You in your loss! The sharing of Ralph and yourself is a blessing to all of us. What a spirit you have within you, thank you so much

Linda from Enid Oklahoma

Anonymous said...

We may have never met you....but we knew you...If we loved it...we bought it so we did't have to regret not buying it. You were good old fashioned funny, yet hip and current with your information, adored and were adored by your wife and were adored by strangers. You were the grandpa we all wish we had, the friend we all felt we did have. I have a smile on my face thinking of your last corny comment on TV and seeing the smile on Terry's face as she laughed at the silly thing you said as I imagine she did often in your lives together. I know she will soon again be able to smile....remembering something funny you said.....before....when she sees something that reminds her. Lucky you to have had Terry, lucky Terry to have had you....lucky us to have a little bit of both of you in our lives too. My deepest sympathy...

Anonymous said...

I would like to send my Prayers to you and your family Terry. I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Ralph will be deeply missed by everyone. I actually starting collecting after I was given a copy of one of your books. I love it. I make sure I never miss one of the Komments. Be strong and remember you are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so saddened to hear of your loss. I know how your heart must ache losing your beloved Ralph. He has touched many lives over the years, including my own, and is soley responsible for my love of antiques. I shall always remember him standing in front of his collection of tin cans. May GOD bless you and keep you safe until He reunites you once again

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences to Terry and all the Kovel family. Ralph will be missed by all.

Anonymous said...

Terry,I grieve for your loss and for all of us who have lost Ralph too.
Terry and Ralph have been a frequent visitor to my mailbox and I always rely on the many books they have published.
Ralph, may heaven be everything you wish it to be.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathies to the Kovel family. I am sorry for your loss.

Amanda Werhane said...

I'm sorry for your loss, and happy to hear that you'll continue to educate the public about our cultural heritage. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear the news. I've always enjoyed the comments of Ralph and Terry and their true enjoyment of their work. No snobbery or elitism - just a philosophy that anyone can be a collector and all collections have value to someone, no matter how ugly or cornball others may think them. I never heard any unkind or disparging remarks from the Kovels.

Anonymous said...

To all the Kovel's,
I was sddened to hear of your loss. As everyone has already said, it is a huge loss. I loved watching the TV show, and enjoy the emails with so much info. You are in my and many others prayers.

Unknown said...

My deep and sincere condolece to you.
From Mexico City and since over five years I have enjoyed your column and posts.
May god our father, send you all his blessings, to all in your family

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolences to Terry and the Kovels' Komments family.
It was always a great pleasure to read or hear Ralph's descriptions and comments on items and on collecting. We will all miss him, his knowledge and his humor.

Anonymous said...

Your loss is also the world's loss. His memory will live on in the knowledge he leaves us. My deepest condolences to the family.

Lynne Poitras

Anonymous said...

We were so sorry to hear of the passing of Ralph. When we watched your show he was such a jovial soul.

Our prayers are with you Terry.

Alan & Dee Armstrong
Nampa, Idaho

Anonymous said...

To Terry, Lee and family.
I am so sorry! Ralph's enthusiasm, experience and excitement for Antiques and Collectibles will be greatly missed.
Sue in Salem

Anonymous said...

Not many people can leave behind such resources for so many people. Your book was the first antique guide I ever bought and I wouldn't be without one. You have contributed to the livelihood of many and the delight, too. When I started in the business over 20 years ago your book was my reference "bible." You may not be saving the world but you are certainly contributing to my life. Ralph is not forgotten as long as there is a tattered copy in my bookcase.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed watching you on TV till I could not receive it when I move. I enjoy and have saved each e-mail. You have my deepest symyathy for the whole family. I will pray for comfort for Terry and the family. Please know that your contunued work will be appreciated as well as honor the mimory of Ralph...

Jeannie said...

My deepest condolences to Terry and the Kovels' Komments family.
I have only been receiving the comments for a short while, but look forward to each and every one. I am so sorry about your loss. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family. Don't be surprised when you go antiquing and feel him sending you little messages. He'll be able to find the really good and hidden antiques now, and maybe direct you to their hiding place. Have faith and listen. You will hear him.

Anonymous said...

Terry and family,
We were so shocked to learn of the loss of Ralph this morning. Just remember this....."your loss is God's gain!" May he bless you and your loved ones. The Lees

Unknown said...

Dear Terry,
I'm so very sorry for you and your children. I have watched your show for years, (I even have a lot of them taped). I hated when they took you off the air. I have 5 of your books and have read them from front to back. They and your show have taught me a lot. I now sell on ebay and still find a lot of "whatzits". That was one of my favorite part of your shows at the end with you and Ralph. I even save your emails in my folders for future reference.
I always thought how lucky you two were to find a common interest and to enjoy yourselves together in your travels. That is quite rare.
I wish you well and the only advise I can give is to keep busy.
Sincerely, Marila Landrum

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ralph and Terry, for being there for a beginner collector many years ago. My family sends condolences and prayers. Bless you all.

Charlene Brown said...

May God Bless and Keep you always in his heart, Terry.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Peace to you and love to you.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Ralph will always be with you and the rest of the world in their hearts. All the good he did will live on. Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

It was such a shock this morning to see the story of Ralph's passing. So many have already said all that we might say. All we can do is offer condolences to Terry and the Kovel family for their loss. We are grinning (through tears) at the thought of Ralph rummaging through God's cupboards and finding treasures in the heavenly flea market.
Deb & Mike in AZ where the guides and TV show have been a big part of our lives for many, many years.

Anonymous said...

My first reference book was Kovels bottle book over 25 years ago, you both have inspired and shared in so many enthuseists. He will be sorely missed.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading the Kovel articles and learning more about antiques. Also when I caught them on TV, Mr. and Mrs. Kovel were entertaining and informative. Mr. Kovel will be deeply missed. Wonder if he can appraise GOD's stuff hmmmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

I am a former antique and collectible dealer in Virginia and am saddened to learn of Mr. Kovel's death. We will continue to remember him as we do research in the many books he and his wife have written. My condolences to his family.

Anonymous said...

Ralph will be missed deeply. Sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked to hear about wonderful Ralph. He's been a part of my world for decades and I just took for granted he would be there forever. Both Terry and Ralph are like old friends who could be counted on for honesty, astuteness and friendliness, so down to earth and knowledgeable. Antiquing and collecting just won't be the same without his affable presence. Terry, you were fortunate, indeed, to have him in your life for so many years. My thoughts are with you. Mary H.

Anonymous said...

Please accept my deepest sympathy. It is such a shock. I have counted on their expertise for many years. I know that Terry will find solace in her work , family. May you find peace.Josephine

Anonymous said...

Terry and family - I also lost my husband 9 months ago. This was a man I was married to for 39 years and for 24 of those years we worked and lived together 24 hours a day. You and your family will live and love and remember. Be strong and be yourselves. My sincere condolences.

Unknown said...

Oh Terry, I am today praying that you will feel God's loving arms surrounding you! I am so sorry! I really do understand how you are feeling! Here's a sincere hug from me to you........

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of Ralph's passing and condolances to the family. I started in antiques in 1969 anf for years your guide book is the only information available. I have fond memories of those early years.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kovel Family,

I have watched your T.V. show for years, and own many, many of your books. You have been a a great help with my education on antiques and collectibles. I am turly sorry for your loss. Ralph will be missed greatly. My prayers and thoughts are with you at your time of loss and sorrow. May God help you mend.

Anonymous said...

Hope his journey is a good one.

Anonymous said...

Condolences for the loss of your loved one and the loss to the world of antiques. Your loss is our loss and he will be greatly missed. May many fond memories help you through the difficult times. . . Kathy

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences to Terry Kovel and family...I've watched her and Ralph for years on TV, loved all the great stories, and get their Komments delivered to my e-mail. I'm so sad about this and so sorry for your loss.

Sherry FitzGibbon said...

I am so saddened to hear about Ralph. All of us who are either dealers or collectors will miss his wit and knowledge. Kovel's book has always been in my home or else in my antiques shops in the last 20 years. You have my deepest sympathy for you and your family. Terry, you have truly been blessed to have had the love from Ralph all these years. Hang in there, we all love you!

Sherry FitzGibbon Raleigh, NC

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