Q: This tea set was purchased by my husband 23 years ago at an estate sale. I have tried to research Stetson China with little or no luck. I would appreciate any information you can give me.
A: Joseph W. Stetson bought the Illinois China Company of Lincoln, Illinois, in 1946 and founded Stetson China Co. During the early years the company decorated and sold dinnerware made on Mount Clemens Pottery blanks. They made hundreds of different patterns. Stetson China Co. was out of business by 1966.
Probably a typo but Stetson was in business until 1966.
Stetson China closed in 1966, not 1946 as posted on the article.
how come when someone wants info on an item you never give them a value? You know they want one even if they don't ask
How cool to see this teapot! I have my mom's teapot, cream and sugar in the same pattern, and "rescued" it from my dad who was about to donate it after my mom died. I knew nothing about it until I just now when I saw it in your newsletter! Thank you!
A very pretty estate sale find! Additionally, I found this on it...
In 1946 Joseph W. Stetson, a designer of dinnerware, moved from Chicago to take over the Illinois China Company that had been in operation in Lincoln, Illinois since 1919. By 1955, Stetson claimed to be the largest manufacturer of individual hand-painted ceramic dinnerware in the United States.
From what we're read, Terry is correct ~ Their dates recorded are circa 1946-1966.
We've seen Stetson pieces at estate sales in the Chicago area.
I purchased 5 mini creamer tobies two are made in Japan medium size ,1 larger marked Occupied Japan and the two most tiniest I have ever seen marked with a gold scorpion at the base of the back side (not underneath).They are man and woman in each set.The man had not for sale on the tiniest ones but then sold them too me because they are for my own collection.He said they are marked not for export with this scorpion?Does any one know what company or any thruth to this? Signed Anastacia
Im looking for Stetson Quartette. it has small blue and lavender flowers. It was my grandmas "good dihes" and only a few pieces survived. Cant find it anywhere. Help?
Stetson Quartette (small lavender and blue flowers) were my Grandma's "good china". I cant find pieces anywhere and only a few pieces of hers have survived. Help?
My great uncle, Louis B. Stetson, opened the Stetson China Company in 1919 in Chicago. Louis' nephew (and my uncle) Joseph W. Stetson joined the firm during its first year. Joe was 21 years old when he joined Stetson China.
In February 1946, the Stetson China Company purchased the Illinois China Company located in Lincoln, Illinois. Stetson China moved its main base of operations to Lincoln in 1946, but it had been in business for 27 years before that, mainly based in Chicago.
I recently found a hand painted soup bowl in my nother-in-law's stored boxes. It is cream colored with a pink 2 petal tulip on a black stem with 2 green leaves and it has another black stem coming from the petals which has 1 pink petal and 2 green leaves. I have just spent hours on line looking at all the Stetson china patterns I could find but I did not find this pattern. If anyone knows it's name please leave a post and I will check frequently for responses. Thank you
I recently found a piece of Stetson China in my mother-in-law's things that were stored in my basement. It has on the back the name of the company, Stetson China Company, Lincoln, ILL. and states copyright 1958 along with hand-painted under glaze and ovenproff. I have been searching on line for the pattern name with no success. I have viewed every pattern made by Stetson that I could find. The bowl is cream colored with Tulips. It has a pink 3 petal tulip on a black stem with 2 green leaves, and coming out of the petals is another black stem with 2 green leaves and 1 pink petal. If anyone knows the name of this pattern please place a response on this page. I will check daily to see if anyone has responded. I hope someone outhere can help me. Thanks
I have a nearly complete set of dinnerware from the Illinois China Company. When my parents purchased their home in 1950, this china had been left behind. The pattern has a blue and tan border with pink flowers and gold trim. One piece I have been unable to identify. This particular piece has two round dishes, one has a hole in the center, and a dome cover. I thought it may be a butter dish. I treasure these china pieces, and am grateful to find others who share an interes.
I have a nearly complete set of Illinois China. The pattern is blue and yellow with a black band and small pink roses and trimmed with gold band. I have always wondered about piece that I believe could be a butter server. It has two flat plates, one with a hole in the center, and a dome-type cover. I thought that cold water could be poured into the plate to preserve the butter. Not sure if this is correct. Would appreciate someone's input. These dishes were left behind in my parent's home when they purchased it in 1950. I "rescued" the china many years ago.
Recently I found a white ceramic or ironstone pitcher at a garage sale with Illinois China Co. stamped on the bottom along with Lincoln, Illinois under the stamp. Since I am from Lincoln, I just had to have it. I did some research and found out that it was later our Stetson China plant.
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