Q: I have a silver trophy with enamel inlays inscribed "The Yellowstone," which was a gentleman's club in San Francisco. It was presented to my grandfather in 1898. The mark on the bottom is a spider web with a "W" in the middle. Can you give me any information about this piece?
A: The spider web with "W" in the center was used by E.G. Webster & Son. The company made silver plated hollowware. It was founded by Elizur G. Webster in 1859 and was in business under various names until 1928, when it was bought by the International Silver Co.
I have a vase made in France and called pate de verre, similar to the glass made by Daum. It is embellished with gold in the floral design. It is purple glass and stands about eight inches high. Who was it made by and when and what is the value today?
I get it!.... Web+star = Webster
I have a pottery vase with 2 recessed autumn leaves and a raised 1906 on the bottom any ideas who made it?
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