A: This mark was used on pottery made at the Etruria Works in Trenton, New Jersey, from 1863 to 1894. The pottery, Bloor, Ott & Booth, was founded by William Bloor, Joseph Ott, and Thomas Booth in 1863. Booth retired in 1864 and John Hart Brewer, Ott's nephew, became a partner in 1865. The company name became Ott & Brewer after Bloor retired in 1871. The name "Etruria" copied the name of a pottery established by Josiah Wedgwood in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England, in 1769. The crown mark further promotes the image of English-quality china. Cretona is the name of the pattern. Large Cretona vases sell for about $150.
I have a medium size jug embossed with below g
30 to the right is 1
scrached in the base is 1531 can you help
I have a set of Wedgwood, bought in the US in the 1940s, with the name on the back: WEDGWOOD (underlined) and below that Etruria, England. It is white, with a basketweave border, and a ring of burgundy red strawberries, leaves, and a ribbon around the edge of the flat part of the plates.
I have never been able to find out the name of this pattern. I have written to the Wedgwood company in England, and they could not identify it. Can anyone help?
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